I’ve designed wayfinding systems for medical centers and hospitals, transit experiences for city metros, civic services, healthcare solutions, facility maintenance processes, innovation training programs, organizational practices, and university courses.

I am the Co-Head of Undergraduate Curriculum and Associate Professor of Practice at The University of Texas at Austin School of Design and Creative Technologies, and the Center for Integrated Design.

I also work with Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Centre for Public Impact, providing design coaching and Civic Design direction for cities in the Bloomberg-Harvard City Innovation Program and the Global Mayors Challenge. Since 2018, I’ve worked with 9 North American cities, teaching them how to use design in their daily work.

From 2008-2018, I was a Principal Designer and Executive Director of Design Research at frog, one of the world’s largest design agencies, where I provided client project consultation, organizational leadership, and mentorship to a global community of design, strategy, and technology staff.


Two Honor Awards from the Society for Environmental Graphic Design: 

  • The Access Wayfinding System for M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas

  • Austin Capital Metro Transit Guiding Principles and Best Practices


System and Method for Managing Signage and Wayfinding Elements
United States Patent US20070100540 A12
November 2006
Read here >

Graphical User Interface
United States Patent US6710788 B13
December 1996
Read here >

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